Middle & High School Students

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Loving host families are waiting to welcome you into their home and join their family. Host families want to find out about your country and culture, so please don’t be afraid to spend time speaking with them each day.

Families hosting high schooll students will provide meals, private bedroom, transportation, and lots of fun activities throughout the year!

Who will be a good candidate for our program and schools?

Students who:

  • Study hard to be successful in the USA…
  • Have good grades in their home countries…
    Have good English proficiency – at least 4 on iTEP Slate…
  • Want to learn about American culture and become part of it…
  • Are open to new ideas and new kinds of food…
  • Are curious – ask many questions when they don’t understand something…
  • Will ask for help when they need it…

Student support includes:

  • Safe, caring host families…
  • Extensively screened host family applicants with criminal and abuse background checks, three references, home inspection visits, and host family training…
  • A private bedroom that includes a bed, dresser, desk and good lighting, three meals a day, and transportation to and from school…
  • On-going support of your student and homestay with monthly meetings and meals (more often as the need arises) with a local coordinator, including conflict resolution and re-training, as needed…
  • Detailed report for international agents and natural parents each month regarding your student’s homestay, school, grades in progress, activities, noteworthy items, and areas to be improved…
  • English language support if needed…
  • TOEFL and SAT/ACT support if requested…
  • Insurance if you do not provide your own…
  • You will be responsible for your school supplies and personal items…

College Students

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First Light Global provides furnished bedrooms with all utilities in the private homes of American families. Host families are first screened, which include background checks, references, a home inspection visit, and training.  We look for families that will support students with a safe, caring environment.   Note that Homestay families will have house rules.

The Homestay provides a private bedroom with utilities and internet access, and kitchen privileges. Access to a laundry facility is also usually available. Bedrooms are furnished and include a bed, dresser, desk, chair and good lighting. Bathrooms are usually shared. Students would provide for their own meals and transportation to and from school. Note that some hosts may be able to offer a meal plan. Also, bus passes may be available through your college.
Students will be invoiced and expected to pay in full for the entire Semester’s Homestay Program fee before move-in (at the beginning of the Semester), although a pay plan may be available.
For available homestays and pricing, please reach out to us by the email link above.